When experiencing computer problems, attempt a reboot first. It is common for a reboot to fix a malfunctioning system.
The most important clue you will often get is an error message related to your problem. Sometimes this error message is in the form of a "pop up" message. Other times you may find a related error message in the systems' logs. It is critical to WRITE DOWN THE ERROR MESSAGE EXACTLY. If you have internet access, google the exact error message in quotes, ie: "No drive detected".
One of the most powerful computer repair tools you can have are boot disks. Such disks can allow you to boot an otherwise unbootable system. Some boot disks will then allow you to run diagnostic utilities like hardware & virus scans, and most boot disks will allow you to recover files off of your hard drive, as long as your hard drive is functional. There are commercial versions available, but there are also excellent free versions. One such free boot disk is the Ultimate boot disk, www.ultimatebootcd.com. Usually you will download the boot disk image in the form of an .iso or .img file, and burn it to a CD.
There is also an Ultimate boot disk for Windows (www.ubcd4win.com ), which will incorporate windows operating system files into your boot disk (you must have a valid windows disk).
Book disks will usually allow you to confirm whether your problem is software or hardware related. This is incredibly useful. If the system runs fine off of the boot disk, then you have a software problem. The main exception to this rule is that the problem could be related to the hard drive, since the hard drive is not used when booting from the boot disk.
Re-installation disks are needed if you need to re-install your operating system. These disks used to be provided upon purchase of a new computer. Today, you must contact the computer manufacturer and request installation disks. Some companies charge for the disk.
Continue to improve your knowledge of how computers operate. Realize first that most computer problems are software related.
If the problem is hardware related, note the following statistics:
- About 50% of computer hardware failures are related to the hard drive.
- About 28% of computer hardware failures are related to the power supply. This is usually a transformer.
So, between the hard drive and power supply you have covered about 78% of your potential problems. The remaining components--flash memory, processor chip, motherboard, NIC card, etc., make up only a small portion of your problems.
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